REMI displays PA0

REMI displays PA0, what should I do?

The PA0 error means that REMI is experiencing a connection issue with your Wi-Fi network. This blockage prevents REMI from accessing the Internet, and it may remain stuck on U100. Here’s how to fix this issue.

1. Check Your Wi-Fi Network

Some network configurations can prevent REMI from connecting:

  • Public networks: REMI cannot connect to networks requiring authentication, such as FreeWiFi, SFR WiFi, Fon, hotel Wi-Fi. Make sure to use a home Wi-Fi network.
  • Authorization in your router: Access your router's admin page and ensure REMI is allowed to access the Internet. On some routers, you may need to re-enable this permission even if no changes were made.
  • Sunrise (Switzerland) users: If you are a Sunrise customer, disable the Sunrise Surf Protect service, as it may block REMI’s Internet access.

2. Reset REMI’s Wi-Fi Networks

If REMI still cannot connect, you need to clear its saved Wi-Fi networks and re-associate it.

  1. Press the Play button on REMI’s keypad.
  2. Hold the button while plugging REMI into its charger.
  3. Continue holding the Play button for 5 to 6 seconds after plugging it in, until REMI's face appears.
  4. Unplug and replug REMI.

If your network is 5 GHz Wi-Fi, REMI will not be able to connect. Ensure you are using a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network.

3. Re-associate REMI with the App

Once the Wi-Fi networks have been reset, follow these steps to reconnect REMI:

  1. Open the REMI app on your smartphone.
  2. Tap the "+" button at the top left of the main screen.
  3. Follow the instructions to start the association process and connect REMI to your Wi-Fi network.

4. Contact Support if Needed

If after these steps REMI still displays PA0, contact our support team and provide:

  • The exact message displayed on REMI.
  • Your Internet provider and router model.

Our team will respond within 48 hours to help resolve the issue.

Fixing PA0 error on REMI
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