REMI displays a continuously spinning dotted rectangle

What to do when REMI displays a continuously spinning rectangle?

If your REMI is stuck displaying a spinning rectangle, it means there is an issue during the loading process. This problem is often related to REMI's SD card.

1. Contact Customer Support for remote troubleshooting

Before attempting any manual fix, please contact our customer support. In some cases, we can format the SD card remotely, solving the issue without requiring you to open REMI.

2. Replacing the SD card

If remote formatting does not work, replacing the SD card will be necessary. We can send you a new SD card that you can install yourself.

To follow the replacement process, check out our detailed guide:

Replace REMI’s SD card

3. Do not attempt to format the SD card yourself

REMI uses a specific file system. Manually formatting the SD card on a computer may damage the necessary system files and prevent REMI from functioning properly.

Need help?

Our support team responds within 48 hours. Contact us for a quick resolution to your issue.

Spinning rectangle on REMI
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