⚠️ Issues & Troubleshooting

Are you experiencing a problem with REMI? This section helps you identify and resolve the most common issues.

WiFi connection, music not playing, a crackling baby monitor, or alarms that don’t ring – find detailed solutions here to get your REMI back up and running.

If the issue persists after following the recommendations, don’t hesitate to contact our customer support.

REMI Won’t Connect to WiFi, What Should I Do?

If REMI is unable to connect to WiFi, follow these troubleshooting steps. First, start with this basic procedure:

  1. Unplug and then plug REMI back in.
  2. Wait for the LED to blink and then stop.
  3. Open the REMI app and click on the “+” button in the top left corner.
  4. Follow the steps to pair and connect REMI to WiFi.

If REMI displays a code between 282 and 297 (indicating its version), then U100 (indicating it has found WiFi), then the time, everything is working fine! If REMI displays a different code (PA0, 1111, U102, spinning rectangle...), take note of it and contact customer support.

1. Check These Points Before Proceeding

  • REMI does not work with 5 GHz WiFi. Make sure your network is set to 2.4 GHz.
  • Are you in Switzerland using Sunrise as your ISP? The Sunrise Surf Protect service may be blocking REMI.

If these two points do not apply, continue troubleshooting.

2. REMI Suddenly Disconnected

If REMI suddenly disconnected, stopped connecting after a power outage or a router change, its WiFi settings may need to be reset.

  1. Press the Play button under REMI before plugging it in.
  2. While holding the button, plug REMI in and keep holding it for 5-6 seconds until its face appears.
  3. Unplug and replug REMI.
  4. Restart the app and click on “+” to re-pair REMI.

If this solution does not work, proceed to the next step!

3. Test WiFi Connection with a Mobile Hotspot

To check if the issue is with your router, try connecting REMI to a mobile hotspot.

  1. Reset REMI’s WiFi settings (see previous step).
  2. Enable the mobile hotspot on your smartphone.
  3. Open the REMI app, click “+” and select the hotspot network.

⚠️ On iPhone: If the hotspot network does not appear, first connect another device (laptop, tablet) before opening the REMI app.

If REMI works with the mobile hotspot but not with your router, proceed to the next step.

4. Check If Your Router Is Blocking REMI

Your router may be blocking REMI’s internet access. To check:

  • Open your router’s settings.
  • Look for connected devices.
  • If REMI appears as “REMI” or with a code starting with "8C:14:7D…", make sure it is allowed to access the internet.

⚠️ Some ISPs automatically block new devices. If needed, add REMI to the list of authorized devices.

5. REMI Takes Time to Start on First Installation

During initial setup, REMI may take time to download its files. If REMI displays several codes in succession (LOAD, spinning rectangle...), wait a few minutes without unplugging it.

6. Contact Customer Support

If REMI still does not work after all these steps, contact customer support. We respond within 48 hours and can guide you through additional troubleshooting.

What to do when REMI displays a continuously spinning rectangle?

If your REMI is stuck displaying a spinning rectangle, it means there is an issue during the loading process. This problem is often related to REMI's SD card.

1. Contact Customer Support for remote troubleshooting

Before attempting any manual fix, please contact our customer support. In some cases, we can format the SD card remotely, solving the issue without requiring you to open REMI.

2. Replacing the SD card

If remote formatting does not work, replacing the SD card will be necessary. We can send you a new SD card that you can install yourself.

To follow the replacement process, check out our detailed guide:

Replace REMI’s SD card

3. Do not attempt to format the SD card yourself

REMI uses a specific file system. Manually formatting the SD card on a computer may damage the necessary system files and prevent REMI from functioning properly.

Need help?

Our support team responds within 48 hours. Contact us for a quick resolution to your issue.

Spinning rectangle on REMI

REMI is not playing music, what to do?

If your REMI no longer plays any music, including default sounds from the app and wake-up alarms, there may be an issue preventing access to the audio files.

This malfunction is likely due to a problem with REMI's SD card. Here’s how to troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

1. Check if the issue is related to the SD card

Symptoms of an SD card issue include:

  • Default music tracks are not playing.
  • Wake-up alarms are not sounding.
  • REMI does not produce any sound when a music track is selected.

If you experience one or more of these symptoms, it is likely that REMI's SD card is corrupted or damaged.

2. Contact Customer Support for a quick solution

Our support team can assist you remotely within 48 hours. Contact us for:

  • Remotely reset and reformat the SD card if possible.
  • Sending you a new SD card if necessary.

3. Replace the SD card if needed

If the SD card is damaged and needs replacement, follow our detailed guide:

My Purchased Pack on REMI Store Did Not Download

If you purchased a pack of stories or music in the REMI app and it didn’t download, follow these steps to resolve the issue.

1. On iPhone: Retry Payment

If the purchase was made on an iPhone (iPhone only), you need to retry the payment to trigger the download. Don't worry, you won’t be charged twice.

  1. Reopen the REMI app and go back to the store.
  2. Attempt to purchase the same pack again.
  3. The download should start automatically.

After retrying the payment, wait a few minutes to allow REMI to download the pack.

2. Check REMI’s WiFi Connection

If the pack still doesn’t download or if you made the purchase from an Android device, check REMI’s WiFi connection. To complete the download, REMI must be connected to the internet:

  • Ensure that REMI is powered on and connected to your WiFi network.
  • If you recently changed your router or network, reconnect REMI to WiFi.

If REMI is not connected to the internet, it won’t be able to download the pack. Reconnect REMI to WiFi

3. Restart the App

If the pack is still missing, try closing and reopening the REMI app:

  1. Close the app completely (don’t leave it running in the background).
  2. Reopen the app and check if the pack appears in the "Music" tab.

This step often forces the app to refresh and detect the pack.

4. Contact Customer Support

If the pack still hasn’t downloaded after these steps, contact customer support and provide:

  • The purchase date of the pack.
  • The name of the pack in question.

Our team will respond within 48 hours to help resolve the issue.

Issue with REMI Store Pack Download

REMI's speaker is crackling

REMI is designed to provide high-quality sound. If you notice crackling or poor sound quality, here’s what to check.

1. Check downloaded audio files

If the issue only occurs with music or stories added via USB, the encoding might not be optimal.

  • Ensure your files are in .mp3 format.
  • The recommended sampling rate is 44100 Hz to avoid playback issues.
  • If needed, use an online converter like this site to reformat your files.

2. The issue affects default music or purchased story packs

If the crackling occurs with:

  • Pre-installed music on REMI
  • Stories purchased from the REMI Store

It may be a hardware or software issue. We recommend contacting customer support.

3. Contact Customer Support

To help us assist you efficiently, please send us:

  • A video where the sound issue is clearly audible.
  • A proof of purchase (invoice) if your REMI is less than 3 years old.

Our support team responds within 48 hours with a suitable solution.

The babyphone makes a ticking noise or crackles

If your REMI produces an unusual sound such as a repetitive ticking noise (tac-tac-tac) or significant crackling when used in babyphone mode, this may indicate an issue with its sound sensor.

1. Identifying the issue

Sound anomalies can be of two types:

  • A repetitive ticking noise: This may be caused by a sensor malfunction.
  • Continuous crackling: REMI might be experiencing a hardware issue or sound interference.

These noises may be visible in the Sleep Tracking section of the app as irregularities in the noise graph.

2. Check the Sleep Tracking

Open the REMI app and go to the Tracking tab. Look for:

  • If the ticking noise is regular, you may see unusual peaks in the noise graph.
  • If REMI crackles continuously, the noise history may show abnormal sound activity.

3. Contact Customer Support

If the issue persists, contact our customer service with the following details:

  • A video clearly capturing the noise issue.
  • Screenshots of the Sleep Tracking showing the anomalies.
  • A proof of purchase if your REMI is less than 3 years old (for repair coverage).

Our team will respond within 48 hours with a suitable solution.

REMI turns off and restarts by itself

If your REMI turns off and restarts for no apparent reason, this could be due to a power supply issue. Here’s how to diagnose and resolve this problem.

1. Check the power adapter

  • Are you using REMI’s original adapter? If not, test with a USB adapter that meets these specifications: 5V - 1A minimum.
  • Avoid adapters with advanced features or fast-charging systems, as they may be incompatible.

A basic standard adapter often works better with REMI than a sophisticated model.

2. Test with another power outlet

Try plugging REMI into another wall outlet in your home to see if the issue persists.

Avoid using REMI on a power strip or extension cord, as this may cause power interruptions.

3. Check the USB cable

  • Inspect the USB cable for signs of wear or twisting.
  • Try slightly tightening the USB connector with pliers if it feels loose.
  • Gently move the cable, especially at the connection point with REMI, to check for a loose connection.

4. Contact Customer Support

If the issue persists after testing the adapter, outlet, and cable, please contact our customer service.

  • Specify whether you are using the original adapter or another model.
  • Indicate the troubleshooting steps you have performed (outlet, cable, adapter).

If REMI is still under warranty (less than 3 years old), repair or replacement may be covered.

Scheduled alarms are not ringing

If your REMI is not playing the scheduled music or alarm sound at wake-up time, this may be due to a configuration issue or an SD card problem. Here’s how to diagnose and fix the issue.

1. Check the alarm settings

First, make sure the alarm settings are correctly configured in the app:

  • Open the REMI app and go to the “Schedules” tab.
  • Ensure that the alarm is enabled (switch icon activated).
  • Make sure the alarm volume is set above 0.
  • Try selecting a default music track instead of a manually added USB file.

If you recently changed the alarm settings, they might not be applied if REMI is not connected to the Internet. Try re-associating REMI with the app.

2. Test music playback

To ensure REMI can play sounds, test manual music playback:

  • Go to the “Music” tab in the app.
  • Try playing a track.
  • If the music appears greyed out or does not play, there may be an issue with the SD card.

If REMI cannot play music and the issue persists even with default sounds, the SD card may be corrupted.

3. Contact Customer Support

If, after these checks, REMI still does not play the alarm sounds, we recommend contacting our support team. They can:

  • Remotely check if REMI’s SD card needs to be reformatted.
  • Send you a replacement SD card if necessary.

For more information on SD card replacement, check our dedicated page: How to replace REMI’s SD card?

I cannot access the Night Tracking | Night Score

1. The app crashes when I try to access Night Tracking

If the application crashes or closes when you try to access Night Tracking, please contact customer support to receive an update for the app.

2. The Night Score does not appear or seems incorrect

The Night Score is calculated by comparing the bedtime and wake-up time set by parents with the actual sleep schedule detected by REMI.

For a score to be generated, the following conditions must be met:

  • The bedtime and wake-up faces should appear in the Night Tracking section. These are the times set in the "Schedules" tab.
  • REMI should be able to detect noise variations to identify the bedtime and wake-up times.
  • The system must successfully calculate these sleep times.

If these elements are not detected, REMI will not be able to generate a Night Score, and the section will remain empty.

3. REMI does not yet detect nighttime awakenings

Currently, REMI does not consider nighttime awakenings in its sleep analysis. However, this feature will be available soon in an upcoming update!

4. Contact Customer Support

If you are still experiencing issues with Night Tracking or the Night Score, please contact our customer support. Our team will respond within 48 hours.

Night Tracking and Night Score REMI

REMI is not recognized by my computer

If your REMI does not appear as a USB drive when connected to your computer, it may be due to an issue with the USB cable or a problem with REMI's internal SD card.

1. Check if the cable is working

Try the following steps to determine if the issue is with the USB cable:

  • Check if REMI powers on correctly when plugged into its power adapter.
  • If REMI does not turn on with the adapter either, there may be a loose connection in the cable.
  • Test different USB ports on your computer.
  • If possible, try with a different computer to see if the issue persists.

⚠️ If your REMI does not turn on with either a power adapter or a computer, contact customer support to get a replacement cable.

2. Check if the issue is with the SD card

If REMI turns on normally with the power adapter but is not recognized via USB, the problem is likely with the SD card.

  • Try playing music from the REMI app.
  • If the music tracks appear grayed out or do not play, the SD card is likely faulty.
  • In this case, you will need to contact customer support to attempt a remote format or receive a new SD card.

3. Contact Customer Support

If after all these checks REMI is still not detected by your computer, contact our Support Team and provide the following details:

  • Whether REMI turns on with the power adapter.
  • Whether music can be played from the app.
  • Your computer model and operating system.