I cannot access the Night Tracking / Night Score

I cannot access the Night Tracking | Night Score

1. The app crashes when I try to access Night Tracking

If the application crashes or closes when you try to access Night Tracking, please contact customer support to receive an update for the app.

2. The Night Score does not appear or seems incorrect

The Night Score is calculated by comparing the bedtime and wake-up time set by parents with the actual sleep schedule detected by REMI.

For a score to be generated, the following conditions must be met:

  • The bedtime and wake-up faces should appear in the Night Tracking section. These are the times set in the "Schedules" tab.
  • REMI should be able to detect noise variations to identify the bedtime and wake-up times.
  • The system must successfully calculate these sleep times.

If these elements are not detected, REMI will not be able to generate a Night Score, and the section will remain empty.

3. REMI does not yet detect nighttime awakenings

Currently, REMI does not consider nighttime awakenings in its sleep analysis. However, this feature will be available soon in an upcoming update!

4. Contact Customer Support

If you are still experiencing issues with Night Tracking or the Night Score, please contact our customer support. Our team will respond within 48 hours.

Night Tracking and Night Score REMI
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