REMI Displays CHAR
REMI Displays CHAR, What to Do?
If your REMI displays "CHAR" during association, it means that your Wi-Fi network password contains a special character that is not supported.
1. Modify Your Wi-Fi Password
To fix this issue, follow these steps:
- Open a web browser on your computer or smartphone.
- Go to your Internet router’s admin page (the address is often found on your router).
- Look for the Wi-Fi or Network Settings section.
- Modify your Wi-Fi password by removing special characters.
- Save the changes.
REMI does not support certain special characters like **@, &, *, %, "** etc. Use a password with only uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers.
2. Reconnect Your Devices
Once the password has been changed, you will need to reconnect REMI to your Wi-Fi network using the new password.
Make sure your Wi-Fi network is set to 2.4 GHz (REMI is not compatible with 5 GHz Wi-Fi).
3. Reassociate REMI with the App
After updating and applying the new password, you need to re-associate REMI:
- Open the REMI app on your smartphone.
- Tap the "+" button in the top left corner of the main screen.
- Follow the instructions to connect REMI to your Wi-Fi network.
4. Contact Customer Support if Needed
If after following these steps, REMI still displays CHAR, contact our support team and provide:
- The exact message displayed by REMI.
- Your Internet router model and provider.
Our team will respond within 48 hours to assist you in resolving the issue.