REMI Displays 1111

REMI Displays 1111, What to Do?

If your REMI displays 1111, it means that it needs to be reset to a near-factory configuration. This reset keeps the night tracking and stored music but restores REMI's memory settings.

1. Connect REMI to a Computer via USB

To resolve this issue, you need to perform a manual update. Follow these steps:

  1. Press the Bluetooth button before plugging REMI into your computer via USB.
  2. Hold the Bluetooth button for 6 to 10 seconds, until REMI displays “USb”.
  3. Once connected, REMI will appear as a USB drive on your computer.

If REMI does not appear on your computer, try another USB port or a different computer.

2. Download and Copy the Update File

Download the update.bin file from the link below and follow these instructions:

  • Ensure that the file is named exactly “update.bin”.
  • Copy this file to REMI’s root directory (just like a USB drive).

⚠️ If the file is incorrectly named (e.g., update(1).bin), REMI will not be able to update.

3. Perform the Update

After copying the update.bin file, follow these steps to start the update:

  1. Unplug REMI from the computer.
  2. Press the Bluetooth button before plugging it back into its power adapter.
  3. Hold the Bluetooth button until REMI’s face appears.

Check if the update is successful:

  • REMI will display 256, then U1.00.
  • Once the time appears, the update is complete.

After the update, it is recommended to re-associate REMI with the app to restore your personalized settings.

4. Contact Customer Support if Needed

If REMI still displays 1111 after the update, contact our support team and provide:

  • The exact message displayed by REMI.
  • Whether REMI appears as a USB drive on your computer.
  • Your operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux) and its version.

Our team will respond within 48 hours to assist you in resolving the issue.

Fixing 1111 Error on REMI
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