REMI turns off and restarts by itself

REMI turns off and restarts by itself

If your REMI turns off and restarts for no apparent reason, this could be due to a power supply issue. Here’s how to diagnose and resolve this problem.

1. Check the power adapter

  • Are you using REMI’s original adapter? If not, test with a USB adapter that meets these specifications: 5V - 1A minimum.
  • Avoid adapters with advanced features or fast-charging systems, as they may be incompatible.

A basic standard adapter often works better with REMI than a sophisticated model.

2. Test with another power outlet

Try plugging REMI into another wall outlet in your home to see if the issue persists.

Avoid using REMI on a power strip or extension cord, as this may cause power interruptions.

3. Check the USB cable

  • Inspect the USB cable for signs of wear or twisting.
  • Try slightly tightening the USB connector with pliers if it feels loose.
  • Gently move the cable, especially at the connection point with REMI, to check for a loose connection.

4. Contact Customer Support

If the issue persists after testing the adapter, outlet, and cable, please contact our customer service.

  • Specify whether you are using the original adapter or another model.
  • Indicate the troubleshooting steps you have performed (outlet, cable, adapter).

If REMI is still under warranty (less than 3 years old), repair or replacement may be covered.

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