REMI's speaker / music is crackling!

REMI's speaker is crackling

REMI is designed to provide high-quality sound. If you notice crackling or poor sound quality, here’s what to check.

1. Check downloaded audio files

If the issue only occurs with music or stories added via USB, the encoding might not be optimal.

  • Ensure your files are in .mp3 format.
  • The recommended sampling rate is 44100 Hz to avoid playback issues.
  • If needed, use an online converter like this site to reformat your files.

2. The issue affects default music or purchased story packs

If the crackling occurs with:

  • Pre-installed music on REMI
  • Stories purchased from the REMI Store

It may be a hardware or software issue. We recommend contacting customer support.

3. Contact Customer Support

To help us assist you efficiently, please send us:

  • A video where the sound issue is clearly audible.
  • A proof of purchase (invoice) if your REMI is less than 3 years old.

Our support team responds within 48 hours with a suitable solution.

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